- Peter PIOT, Special Advisor to the Commissioner of the European Union, Co-discoverer of the Ebola Virus, Former UNAIDS Executive Director
- Pr Maimouna NDOUR MBAYE, (Senegal) Head of Department, Abass Ndao Marc Sankalé Diabetes Center
- Pr Abdoulaye LEYE (Senegal) Full Professor Endocrinology-Metabolism- Nutrition, Internal Medicine Head of Department of Internal Medicine, Endocrinology Diabetology Nutrition, NHC of Pikine/ FMPO/UCAD
- Pr Jacko Rhedoor ABODO (Ivory Coast) Endocrinologist, Diabetologist, President of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), Africa Region, Head of the Endocrinology and Diabetology Department, UHC Yopougon
- Flora SALIKHOVA Executive Director, PROMETRA International
- Dr Awa MBOW KANE (Senegal) Diabetologist, endocrinologist, President, Founder and Director of the MEDICKANE clinic
- Baye Omar GUEYEPresident, Association ofDiabetes Victims
- Pr SAID Nourou DIOP, (Senegal) Former Head of the Abass Ndao MarcSankalé Diabetes Center