- Opening remarks : Mrs Yacine Diop Djibo, Executive Director of Speak Up Africa
- Opening address : Michael Adekunle Charles, CEO of the RBM Partnership to End Malaria
- Mrs Fatima Elbasri, IFMSA Regional External Affairs Assistant for Africa 2023-2024 (global)
- Mrs Zeinaba Narabene, Founder and Chair of the Sahalian Youth Network for the Climate (Mali)
- Rachel Ndaya Kalanda, Community militant in combatting VIH/Sida, Tuberculosis and Malaria and GFAN Speaker (DRC)
- Mr Yero Sarr, Climate justice militant (Senegal)
- Prince Ansah, Country responsible officer at South South North (Ghana)
Closing Remarks : Mrs Nguissali Turpin, ENDA Santé Director, Senegal